Vegan Sunscreen Rave: Safe Harbor Sunblock

December 26, 2014By 0 Comments

I found my Safe Harbor on Waikiki Beach!

Aloha! A few weeks ago I was maxin and relaxin on Waikiki Beach. It is one of the most spectacular places I have ever seen. Crystal clear turquoise water, pristine sand, lush green mountains and a bar every 50 feet. Heaven, really. I spent a full 7 days looking at this:


When I got back to the office, the first thing my colleague said to me was, “I see you wore your sunscreen.” Had this been 10 years ago, I would have been offended by his smart ass mouth. I used to worship the sun like a rattlesnake in August. Alas, with age comes knowledge and for this trip I donned a wide brimmed hat, a moo-moo, and I dipped myself in sunscreen every day.

 Safe Harbor Sunblock,Safe Harbor Sunblock is no joke. It contains all-natural ingredients, is rich in antioxidants, is certified organic, and isn’t tested animals. It’s pretty thick so take note: if you use too much, you’ll look like Frosty the Snowman. They have a line for the kiddos too, and I really love that. I don’t want to put nasty crap on my body and I definitely don’t want to put it on my son’s!

If you do still like to tan (and there ain’t no shame in that game-moderation though, please!), you gotta check out Arbonne’s “Glow with It” after sun lotion. It contains avocado oil which is uber moisturizing for your tanned hide. Goes on lightly and has a lovely subtle scent. You should check out their site anyway. They have tons of products. You can even sign up to sell ‘em!

Enough of this. I want to look at the pictures of my trip and continue daydreaming. Mahalo!

About Tiffany ()

Tiffany of, is all about her boy Zeke, her pooch The Gronz, veganism, punk, metal, and Prince. Not necessarily in that order.

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